Máire Ní Ríordáin , Catherine Paolucci , Laura M. O' Dwyer
Teaching and Teacher Education 64 162 -174
James A. Bernauer , Laura M. O'Dwyer
Matthew W. Grady , Laura M. O'Dwyer
Regional Educational Laboratory Northeast & Islands
Laura M. O'Dwyer , George F. Madaus
Phi Delta Kappan 80 ( 9) 688
Laura M. O'Dwyer , Kevon Seeley , Michael Russell , Damian Bebell
The Journal of Technology, Learning and Assessment 6 ( 5)
Laura M. O'Dwyer , Damian Bebell
The Journal of Technology, Learning and Assessment 9 ( 1)
Quincy Chang , Laura M. O'Dwyer , Craig D. Hoyle
Regional Educational Laboratory Northeast & Islands
Caroline E. Parker , Clare W. Irwin , Laura M. O'Dwyer
Regional Educational Laboratory Northeast & Islands
Kevon R. Tucker-Seeley , Laura M. O'Dwyer , Michael Russell , Damian Bebell
The Journal of Technology, Learning and Assessment 3 ( 3)
Caroline E. Parker , Clare W. Irwin , Laura M. O'Dwyer
Regional Educational Laboratory Northeast & Islands
Caroline E. Parker , Laura M. O'Dwyer
Regional Educational Laboratory Northeast & Islands
Terrence Lee-St. John , Mary Walsh , Anastasia E. Raczek , Diego A. Luna Bazaldua
Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness
Christy Hall Reynolds , Laura M. O'Dwyer
The Journal of School Leadership 18 ( 5) 472 -500
Jessica Masters , Raquel Magidin De Kramer , Laura M. O'Dwyer , Sheralyn Dash
Journal of Educational Computing Research 43 ( 3) 355 -375
Zeynep Yurtseven Avci , Laura M. O'Dwyer , Jordan Lawson
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 36 ( 2) 160 -177
V. Paul Poteat , Laura M. O'Dwyer , Ethan H. Mereish
Journal of Educational Psychology 104 ( 2) 393 -406
Laura M. O'Dwyer , Michael Russell , Damian Bebell
Journal of Educational Computing Research 33 ( 4) 369 -393
Raquel Magidin de Kramer , Jessica Masters , Laura M. O'Dwyer , Sheralyn Dash
The Teacher Educator 47 ( 3) 236 -259
Laura M. O'Dwyer , Michael Russell , Damian J. Bebell
Education Policy Analysis Archives 12 48
Michael Russell , Laura M. O'Dwyer , Damian Bebell , Wei Tao
Journal of Educational Computing Research 37 ( 4) 393 -417