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The Effect of Magnetic Field Strength and Geometry on the Deposition Rate and Ionized Flux Fraction in the HiPIMS Discharge

Authors: Hamidreza Hajihoseini , Martin Čada , Zdenek Hubička , Selen Ünaldi , Michael A. Raadu

DOI: 10.3390/PLASMA2020015


Description: We explored the effect of magnetic field strength | B and geometry (degree balancing) on deposition rate ionized flux fraction F in dc magnetron sputtering (dcMS) high power impulse (HiPIMS) when depositing titanium. The HiPIMS discharge was run two different operating modes. first one we refer to as “fixed voltage mode” where cathode kept fixed at 625 V while pulse repetition frequency varied achieve desired time average (300 W). second mode peak current carried out by adjusting maintain a varying same power. Our results show that dcMS weakly sensitive variations during operated changed from 30% 90% decreased. In contrast, mode, increased only slightly with decreasing . for weaker , higher rate, lower both Deposition uniformity measurements illustrated rather insensitive changes modes were highly sensitive. could be 10% or up than depending particular topology. related measured quantities, fraction, ionization probability α t back attraction sputtered species β showed ions material escape reduced operation increasing due current, mode.

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