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Stall Inception in a Boundary Layer Ingesting Fan

Authors: D. Perovic , C. A. Hall , E. J. Gunn

DOI: 10.1115/1.4043644


Description: Copyright © 2015 by ASME. Jet engines with Boundary Layer Ingestion (BLI) could offer significant reductions in aircraft fuel burn compared podded turbofans. However, the engine fans must run continuously severe inlet distortion, which is known to reduce stability. In this paper an experimental study has been completed on a low-speed rig fan operating BLI-type distortion. Unsteady casing static pressure measurements have made at multiple locations during stall events. Steady state, full-annulus area traverses also performed rotor and exit near-stall point. The reduction stability caused BLI found be small. It that can operate stably despite presence of localised regions where point lies beyond boundary measured clean flow. With distortion applied, incidence varies around annulus due non-uniform upstream velocity swirl. amplitude unsteady fluctuations just prior correlate circumferential variation incidence, suggesting key variable affecting creation growth flow disturbances. high disturbances resembling local separations are initiated. low or negative any decay rapidly. Full rotating occurs when widespread enough sustain propagate entire annulus.

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