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Association of Cardiac Infection With SARS-CoV-2 in Confirmed COVID-19 Autopsy Cases.

Authors: Diana Lindner , Antonia Fitzek , Hanna Bräuninger , Ganna Aleshcheva , Caroline Edler

DOI: 10.1001/JAMACARDIO.2020.3551


Description: Importance Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) can be documented in various tissues, but the frequency of cardiac involvement as well possible consequences are unknown. Objective To evaluate presence SARS-CoV-2 myocardial tissue from autopsy cases and to document a response that infection. Design, Setting, Participants This cohort study used data consecutive Germany between April 8 18, 2020. All patients had tested positive for pharyngeal swab tests. Exposures Patients who died disease 2019. Main Outcomes Measures Incidence positivity CD3+, CD45+, CD68+cells myocardium gene expression tumor necrosis growth factor α, interferon γ, chemokine ligand 5, interleukin-6, -8, -18. Results Cardiac 39 were included. The median (interquartile range) age was 85 (78-89) years, 23 (59.0%) women. could 24 (61.5%). Viral load above 1000 copies per μg RNA 16 (41.0%). A cytokine panel consisting 6 proinflammatory genes increased those compared with 15 without any heart. Comparison infection more than revealed no inflammatory cell infiltrates or differences leukocyte numbers high power field. Conclusions Relevance In this analysis cases, viral within documented. While reported higher virus vs infection, not associated an influx cells. Future investigations should focus on evaluating long-term involvement.

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